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CAHPS® Improvement Center

Turn Insight into Action to Improve Member Experience and Satisfaction

Consumer Assessment for Healthcare Providers & Systems (CAHPS®) survey scores are key in determining member satisfaction levels. For Medicare Advantage plans, CAHPS is an urgent and increasingly important topic. By 2023, member experience and satisfaction measures will account for 57% of the Medicare Advantage plans’ Star rating.

At Insightin Health, we understand that improving CAHPS scores begins with a comprehensive understanding of individual member experiences in real-time. CAHPS Predict can understand the drivers behind CAHPS scores to enable outreach strategies with Next Best Action recommendations.

About CAHPS® Predict

CAHPS Predict enables health plans to understand and predict drivers behind CAHPS scores to enable outreach strategies with Next Best Action recommendations.

Turn insight into action
  • Simple Connector Integrate patient experience data with clinical and SDoH member data to understand key features linked to satisfaction gaps
  • Easy Insight Apply advanced data science modeling techniques to predict members likely to experience satisfaction gaps
  • Effective Engagement Design data-informed strategies and drive next best action recommendations to improve member satisfaction

CAHPS® Improvement Resources

Targeting CAHPS Measures


Targeting CAHPS Measures: Solving for root causes that negatively impact member satisfaction

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3 Steps To Better CAHPS Scores Through Insight And Action


3 Steps To Better CAHPS Scores Through Insight And Action

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Are you asking the right questions blog


Are you asking the right questions to increase member satisfaction and improve Medicare Advantage Star Ratings?

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